National Geographic Society

美 [ˈnæʃnəl ˌdʒiəˈgræfɪk səˈsaɪəti]英 [ˈnæʃnəl dʒɪəˈgræfɪk səˈsaɪəti]
  • 网络国家地理学会;国家地理协会;美国国家地理学会;美国国家地理协会
National Geographic SocietyNational Geographic Society
  1. The National Geographic Society began in 1888 .


  2. The National Geographic Society has supported explorers seeking to increase knowledge about our world .


  3. Today we tell about new activities of the National Geographic Society .


  4. In 1987 , a team from the National Geographic Society


  5. So they formed the National Geographic Society .


  6. His latest , Light at the Edge of the World , was published by the National Geographic Society .


  7. It is a five-year joint project of the National Geographic Society and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration .


  8. The main goal of the National Geographic Society still is to increase knowledge about geography and spread that knowledge around the world .


  9. Five hotspots where languages are most endangered were listed Tuesday in a briefing by the Living Tongues Institute for Endangered Languages and the National Geographic Society .


  10. This is the " Whale Valley " . It was discovered and excavated by the archaeologists from " American National Geographic Society " and Michigan University .


  11. In1987 , a team from the National Geographic Society drilled a hole through one of the limestone blocks sealing the chamber from above , and inserted a video camera .


  12. And there the story might have ended but for the tireless efforts of Johan Reinhard , an independent archaeologist funded by the National Geographic Society .


  13. Walter Alva excavated one of the most famous Moche sites , the Royal Tombs of Sip á n , in1987 under a grant from the National Geographic Society .


  14. The field work and two years of analysis for Dr. Berger 's latest discovery were supported by the University of the Witwatersrand , the National Geographic Society and the South African Department of Science and Technology / National Research Foundation .


  15. Declan Moore , chief media officer of the National Geographic Society , said the appeal of instant articles was the speed with which items , even those with complex video and interactive maps , loaded once a mobile Facebook user clicked on them .


  16. A survey from early last year sponsored by the National Geographic Society found that only half of young American adults , ages 18 to 24 , could locate New York state on a map . Six out of 10 couldn 't find Iraq on a map of the Middle East .


  17. The United States welcomed new CPE private sector participants , including Carnegie Hall , the National China Garden Foundation , the National Geographic Society , and the Richmond Ballet .
